The Eagle Has Landed
Feb 04, 2025
I'm taking an automatic writing course. Want to know more? Go here: Michael Sandler Automatic Writing Course Information.
I happen to be taking the course through The Shift Network (, but Michael is an established teacher of automatic writing that some of my friends had heard about. I'm always a little late to the party.
What the course is doing for me is opening me up to more spiritual possibilities. I expect my animal communication to improve. But amazing things have happened since I started the course.
This is a seven-week course. Between weeks two and three, something happened that was totally magical.
I've been doing the exercises, and enjoying myself mightily. The second week we were supposed to be tapping into our Higher Self.
On Saturday night I got a message from my writing that my beloved, Glenn, and I needed to decide what we want so we can move forward with the next phase of our life. Sunday we attended a different online class in the morning, and then cleaned up the barn. I assumed (never assume!) we would then do our usual Sunday thing and take the dogs for a ride in the truck and a romp in the dog park, stopping at Starbucks for revivers. I suggested to Glenn that we bring along paper so we could brainstorm "What We Want."
Glenn told me his truth: He didn't want to go anywhere. He wanted to stay home. (A further truth was that he wanted to stay home and watch a couple of football games). Then he said (no pressure) that he would go out to please me.
Ewwwww. Not a good reason. A loving reason, but not a good one.
I realized it was me who needed to get out of the house, not him. So we compromised. He would stay home. I would take the dogs for a ride and stop at Starbucks. We would make our list of "What We Want" during halftime of one of the games.
I was absolutely compelled to leave the house. And for good reason. About a half mile from the house, in a huge field, was a magnificent Bald Eagle. It had landed in the middle of the field, and was just sitting there. While I watched, two crows flew over and were obviously negotiating with the Eagle about whatever prey the Eagle had brought down. The Eagle let them have some. He could have torn the two birds apart, no problem, but there was a definite detente, and everyone was getting food.
Big Field. Big Bird. No crows yet.
After watching and marveling for a while, I went on my way.
Where we live in Colorado Bald Eagles are not exactly thick on the ground. To see one, especially one sitting on the ground, with two crow assistants, was pretty special.
That night, as I was doing my automatic writing, I got a very strong message to look up the spiritual meaning of a Bald Eagle, which I did on my favorite site (
What it said, in part, was this: "Your light will shine if you only let it. Know that your higher self will only give you straightforward, positive, and encouraging support." It also told me to listen to both the Spiritual Path and my Heart, something I've struggled with for most of my life. (I came from a very practical family.)
Here I was, in week two of this amazing course, and my Higher Self sent a message through an Eagle. It was so appropriate, and complete magic.
As I open myself to possibility, possibility comes knocking on my door. All I have to do is open it. In the past I was reluctant to do so. But now, with Eagle by my side and my Higher Self managing the pen, life is fuller and more fun.
I start every day with such gratitude, and it doesn't matter if it's cloudy, snowy, or sunny. My mantra is "Thank you for this Beautiful Day! Thank you for this Beautiful Day! Thank you for this Beautiful Day!"
Anyone can do this. Check it out. See who shows up for you.
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