Ooky Wooky Spooky

animal wisdom halloween Oct 31, 2023

Treats ON the bed. Two chores in one.

Happy Halloween! The cats have been practicing arched backs all week long. They are the sorriest bunch of scary cats I’ve ever seen, but then their purpose in life is not to be scary, but to keep the bed on the floor by laying on it, and to beg for treats at bedtime (everyone gets a bedtime treat, animals and humans alike).

This Halloween I’m celebrating the life of our beloved Lynkx by dressing up as a Tuxedo cat. Practicing with the makeup would be a really good idea, and believe me, it’s not a fancy costume - black pants, a black hoody, white shirt and some face makeup, ears, a tail and some whiskers. Oh, and white socks over my sneakers. That should make walking interesting.

I don’t know if I’ll look this good - but I’ll try.

The most interesting part of this whole thing is that I’m going to be out in public in this getup. Glenn and I are going to see Eddie Izzard on Halloween, and (get this) we have front row seats. Since Eddie’s fans are an eclectic group, I suspect we won’t be the only ones in costume. At least I hope not. But hey! What’s Halloween without a little spookiness, eh? 

Glenn is going as a monkey. This is so appropriate, as he was born in the Chinese year of the Monkey, and he has long arms.

During Covid, we were Harold Hill (me) and a dancing townsperson (Glenn) for a lip-synch competition of “Ya Got Trouble” from The Music Man. (We won).

We’ll take pictures and include them in next week’s blog - or maybe look for them ahead of time on Facebook!

I love Halloween. Not much of a decorator myself, but I love to see what other people do in their yards. It’s as much fun as Christmas lights. Across the street at the Bison ranch, the Grim Reaper is hanging out on a very old tractor. 

Hidey-Ho, neighbor

We don’t dress up our animals for Halloween. We like our fingers and toes, and any attempt to coerce our critters into wearing clothing results in a lot of grumbling and threats to leave the house and never come back. Ry will wear a harness and leash, but seriously, that is his limit. And that harness better be clean. He’s quite fastidious, and reminds me of Niles from Fraiser.

Ry is allowing this photo of him wearing a harness and leash

Do you have plans for Halloween? Any animal or human costumes out there? Let’s see them! 

Lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E!

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