It’s For The Birds
Aug 20, 2024
The Peewees! The Peewees!
Remember my blog about our poor Peewee family whose nest came down right before a big storm? We fixed the area and put it back up, and didn’t know if the babies had survived.
Apparently they did.
Unfortunately, one bit the dirt about two weeks later, the little body stretched out on our concrete walk. It wasn’t clear what happened, as there were no signs of damage. Someone left us a gift. Whether it was one of the dogs or a cat is unknown. It’s possible the bird was sitting on the ground, perhaps contemplating what it means to use wings to lift off, and some enterprising predator came along and snatched it up before it could say “twwweeet?” Someone not interested in a meal. I gave that little one a burial in our trash can, apologizing (and knowing full well that it was the bird’s journey, but still).
However, just the other day, we had a couple of visitors at our window. There’s a ledge that runs under the windows, a great resting place for new wings. We think it was an adult and one of the kids. There was a lot of tweeting, encouragement to leave the nest, and then they appeared. We’ve also seen them wheeling and spinning through the sky in the morning, catching their breakfast. Mosquitos don’t stand a chance from these guys.
One of the Peewees, wondering what’s on the other side of the screen
We love the Peewees, and choose to believe there was a happy ending for at least one of the babies. We hope they come back next year. Peewees can live up to 8 years in the wild, so it would be nice to see them again.
Ry, wondering where the Peewees have gone
Nature, if we pay attention, has beautiful lessons to teach us. Life. Death. The Universe. It’s all there. Listen. Do you hear it?
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