For those who really want to get into your pet’s head, I am the animal communicator who will help you take pet/human conversations from too woo-woo to “whoohooo, I get you!” - Ashara
To schedule a session, click this link: SESSION
There’s more stuff on the Animal Communication Page - classes, ask a question - go see! GO STRAIGHT TO THAT PAGE BY CLICKING HERE
"I wanted you to know how much easier the day went for me and for Mack. Our 20 minutes lifted most of the anguish and angst out of my body and allowed me to be more relaxed and present with him." CC, Wyoming, after having a conversation asking about end-of-life for Mack.

Make yourself understood without resorting to semaphore
Does it feel as though your pet is deaf to your wishes? Maybe you just need to have a real conversation with them. What do you think is one word your pet absolutely doesn’t get - because they really don’t “get” it. I’ll show you how to change your wording to improve your relationship almost immediately.
Supercharge your sparkly relationship effortlessly
You already have a good relationship with your animal friend, but does it truly sparkle? To get to that next level is simple - but you might have to change a little bit (oh, NOOOO!).

Spend more time laughing with your pet
Everybody wants happy pets, and they want to be happy, too. It can be as effortless as you wish, when you follow some simple guidelines.
When your pet is behaving better than your neighbors, they'll stop thinking animal communication is nonsense
A lot of people think animal communication is woo-woo, and doesn’t really work. I’ve got lots of stories to debunk that little theory. And you’ll have stories of your own, once you start working with me and your pet.

ZM, Colorado, USA
I had the pleasure of taking all three levels of Ashara's animal communication classes. Ashara has a kind and supportive way of guiding her students to find their own confidence in their abilities. Each class was fun, educational, and a safe and easy space to be able to be open and learn a new skill. I would highly recommend Ashara as an animal communicator, teacher, and Gestaltist.

JF, Massachusetts, USA
I really enjoyed the classes, Intermediate and Advanced, opened my eyes to things I “knew” about but never really touched. It brings a good positive way to look at life and the world, not just about animals and communicating with them. The human world needs a lot of that right now I think.
Lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E!
Want to know how to lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E, and make your relationship with them sparkly?
Get our free booklet, Lavish them with L-O-V-E, which will help your pets and you speak the same language. Follow the steps, and your pet will be bouncing around with joy as the sparkle comes to life.
(AND you’ll receive my sparkly weekly blog posts right in your mailbox!)
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